Hello! There are reports all over the internet that Google just updated the PageRanks few hours ago. (May 28, 2009), so watch out for yours.
eCommerceLib.blogspot.com Page Rank has increased from...... 0 to 1 :P
This site is just about 3 weeks old and have to want till the next update for this site to have a good PR. :D
So, What's your PageRank?
Check your Pagerank and share it with us via Comments.
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I got a PageRank of 3, which is awesome since I just launched my blog 3 weeks ago! I was so excited I had to post an article describing how I did it.
What's the best way to find out when Google updates PageRank?
Hi Keller,
First I want to congratulate you for your high rank in short time. I've read your Super-Duper formula to get a high rank and they were great.
i think i will follow them to get a higher rank in the next Google Update :)
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