I found lots of people asking for the meaning of Affiliate Programs, So i decided to post What is the Meaning of Affiliate Programs?

Affiliate Programs - Associate Programs - is a new way for marketing in collaboration between three which are ...

  1. The Customer ( Visitors)
  2. The Affiliate Site
  3. The Merchant Site
If we say that the customer visits the Ad (Banner) of the Merchant threw the Affiliate Site. We can reach that the meaning of Affiliate Programs.


Amazon (amazon.com) started this way of marketing. Now every one has a site can put Ads (Banners) inside his site against a commission the merchant chooses it.

This way of marketing has been a very good way as the value of the commission that way payed by this process at 2004 was 200 Million Dollars. That means that this way is a very successful way.

The Best this in this process that is allows every one who has a site that don't have products or services to put banners or services for a site or companies for a certain commission. So the visitors visits the site of the merchant threw the affiliate site.

  • Conclusion.

On the head of that we conclude that the Affiliate Programs is a way of marketing depends on the large number of visitors that sees the Ads (Banners) in the Affiliate site for a Certain Commission as it is done by the merchant, customer and the affiliate. The merchant puts banners inside his website for people who needs this process (Affiliate Programs) so that they collect all the companies that agrees for this service and gives it for people who wants it for a commission.

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